Any GC or legal ops director worth their salt knows they face two stark realities: doing nothing is no longer an option; but whatever they do first has to work and must do so quickly and within budget.

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In an era of rapid technological, regulatory, social, environmental and political change, change fatigue – the physical and psychological responses to organisational change – can have a devastating impact on…

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As general counsel, regulatory compliance is a key area of concern. As corporations become more interconnected, both locally and globally, it’s more difficult – and more important than ever –…

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Law firms are increasingly embracing the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) and more legal professionals are asking questions about how their firms can take advantage of the ever-increasing number of…

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The legal industry is undergoing a transformative change. Virtual firms, disruptive business models, artificial intelligence and alternative ways of approaching the practice of law are quickly becoming the ‘new normal’.…

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General counsel can often find it hard to enact change in legal departments, the process is rarely simple and lawyers are notoriously late adopters when it comes to change. In…

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This whitepaper draws on the extensive experience of Thomson Reuters in courts digitisation projects in the US and the UK, and wider lessons from the industry, to set out a…

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Research reveals many small to medium-sized law firms could be losing money due to inefficient practice management processes. But do the cost-saving benefits of automation justify the investment in the…

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