Posts by Jacqueline Jubb

With the increasing prevalence of alternative fee arrangements (AFAs) – such as fixed, blended and capped fees and retainers – firms have the ability to increase the client’s perception of…

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Futurist and technology guru Richard Susskind recently envisioned a “decomposed” legal world where clients would pay less for processes and more for high-value advisory work. Susskind’s prediction isn’t new and it appears he was…

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As digital becomes increasingly vital in business, law firms are upping the ante and differentiating themselves with the use of app technology. As observed in the recent 2016 Australia: State…

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As empowered clients continue to be more discerning in their choice of legal service providers, law firms need to think about more innovative ways to enhance the client experience and…

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The legal industry is undergoing a transformative change. Virtual firms, disruptive business models, artificial intelligence and alternative ways of approaching the practice of law are quickly becoming the ‘new normal’.…

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In a dynamic legal market that is constantly innovating, developing a successful law firm strategy is more important than ever. How do you set your firm apart? How do you…

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With the financial responsibilities and complexities of running a successful in-house counsel team becoming increasingly demanding, savvy in-house counsel and GCs need to run their legal teams like a well-oiled…

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Ever wondered what it’s like to be an in-house counsel? Or are you already playing a corporate counsel role and you’re wondering what’s in store for your industry in 2016?…

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