As an in-house lawyer you face many challenges, from advising on complex legal or strategic matters across a range of commercial and legal practice areas, to repetitive tasks such as…

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It’s no secret that good practice management is the key to a happy, strong and profitable firm. However, poor habits and shortcuts can, over time, make inroads into best practice,…

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Without question, the role of “legal operations professional” is a growing field among corporate legal departments. However, with more companies hiring individuals to perform specific legal operations roles, there are…

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In a competitive industry faced with a decline in demand for legal work and rapid technological change, efficient document management, data security and seamless service delivery have become increasingly important.…

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A smart practice management platform can transform even the most disorganised law firm into a well-oiled machine. But there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important to explore your firm’s current…

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