The term ‘white-collar crime’ was first coined in 1939 by American sociologist Edwin Sutherland who described it as “a violation of criminal law by the person of upper-socioeconomic class in…

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The Financial Accountability Regime (FAR), recently established by the long-awaited Financial Accountability Regime Act 2023 (Cth) (the Act), will come into effect for the banking industry in March 2024, and…

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The conduct of those persons complicit in the Plutus Payroll Australia Pty Ltd (Plutus) tax fraud conspiracies – the investigation into which is known as Operation Elbrus – amounted to…

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It has been two years since ACN 154 520 199 Pty Ltd (in liq) v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (2020) 282 FCR 455; [2020] FCAFC 190 (EBS & Associates) and…

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There have been several advocates, particularly post-pandemic, for a cashless Australian society (if not world). Motivations for a cashless society are not limited to the control of financial crime of…

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