Local Business, Global Strength: Using Regulatory Compliance to Your Advantage [Whitepaper]

As general counsel, regulatory compliance is a key area of concern. As corporations become more interconnected, both locally and globally, it’s more difficult – and more important than ever – to keep up with regulatory and other governance-related changes.

Regulatory compliance isn’t just about avoiding fines and liability – though that’s important, with the European Union (EU) issuing fines of up to €20 million to those who breach the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Driving compliance is also an opportunity to help your business prosper and position yourself as a key part of the executive team.

This whitepaper discusses how you can push your business and legal department beyond simple awareness of regulatory compliance, so you’re ready to adapt to changes and respond strategically. This means going beyond simple desktop analysis and taking the next steps to assemble the right combination of tools and talent – so you can ultimately add value to your organisation with a well-executed compliance program.

Table of contents

  • The increasing challenge of change
  • Using technology to filter out the noise
  • Adapting to change and building the right team
  • A general counsel’s plan of action

Simply complete the form on the right to download your copy now.

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