Let’s take a moment to reflect on 2014’s wave of legal innovation and consider how it’s helped shaped the way lawyers do business. What are the new norms of service…

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Roger Quick, one of Queensland’s leading legal costs experts discusses the Productivity Commission’s soon to publish, final report into Australia’s system of civil dispute resolution, which will include a study into the real costs of legal representation.

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In a commercial environment where price certainty accompanies almost every other product and service on offer, it’s not difficult to see why clients expect legal services to follow suit.

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In a competitive market where legal clients demand more for less, law firms need to become more efficient and maximise their billable time to generate greater return. There are simple ways…

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Hive Legal, start-up virtual law firm, crowned 2014 ALPMA/Telstra Thought Leadership Award winner at last night’s ALPMA Summit Gala dinner in Melbourne. The award recognised Hive Legal as 2014’s outstanding law firm who are doing things differently and successfully adapting to changes in the legal landscape.

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In a shifting legal landscape where lawyers want to increase efficiency and clients are demanding more for less, investment in legal practice management software can help firms streamline their processes…

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Here are five thoughtful tips on how to avoid traps that could threaten the productivity and growth of your small law firm and assist in strengthening the practical knowhow in managing a successful business.

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