A 2012 Thomson Reuters study has revealed how professional services* in Australia are using mobile devices. However, with practitioners adopting Tablets as status symbols with little IT strategy in place…

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Q&A: Anthony Bleasdale, General Manager of Knowledge Management at Maurice Blackburn. An in depth look at how technology is rapidly improving productivity, efficiency and client service in the legal industry.

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Be it tweeting, blogging, googling or working in the cloud, our engagement with new technology platforms is unprecedented. For the legal market the message is clear: those who can successfully…

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The legal landscape is rapidly evolving as mobile devices, social media and cloud computing technology makes its way into every aspect of our personal and professional lives. In an increasingly…

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Since investing in Softdocs over 10 years ago, Coleman Greig have yielded significant time savings, reduced risk and increased client consistency. Coleman Greig have been loyal Softdocs customers for over 10…

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