Across conference tables and networking sessions at the recent Lawyers Weekly Boutique Law Summit in Sydney, delegates were abuzz about how to take on the future.

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The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has greatly affected Australia’s leasing market. This has prompted state and territory governments to introduce temporary legislation for commercial and retail tenancies in…

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In our final episode of the Inside In-house Podcast for 2020, Tyrilly interviewed three employment lawyers to hear about their career journeys.

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When a company is in financial distress, company directors play a crucial role in the legal and compliance space. They will be keen to ensure that they avoid the risk of personal liability for reckless trading.

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Whether you are a business operating exclusively in New Zealand, or an Australian business with a presence in New Zealand, the new Privacy Act 2020 will have an impact.

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Most listed companies will have begun to think about their 2020 annual general meeting (AGM), with the majority of AGMs set to occur between September 2020 and January 2021. Are you prepared?

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