There’s never a shortage of change in the fast-paced employment law and industrial relations space. The first half of 2018 has already seen several key developments, and industrial relations has…

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This Practical Law Australia Employment practice note examines when employers can challenge the sufficiency of a medical certificate, including fraudulent, backdated or potentially inaccurate medical certificates.  Table of contents: Usual requirements…

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This Practical Law Australia Employment Law practice note provides guidance on the process to follow when determining an employee’s ability to perform the inherent requirements of a position having regard to…

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This Practical Law Australia Employment Law practice note examines when an employee is protected from dismissal due to a temporary absence from work while ill or injured under section 352…

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In 2012, the NSW Parliament introduced radical, sweeping changes to the Workers Compensation Scheme. This article discusses the high profile case of Mr Goudappel, an injured worker caught by retrospective amendments which sought to remove his right to lump sum compensation.

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