The conclusion is in: Innovation and disruption are not passing fads, they’re here to stay. In the 2016 Australia: State of the Legal Market report, Melbourne Law School and Thomson…

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Futurist and technology guru Richard Susskind recently envisioned a “decomposed” legal world where clients would pay less for processes and more for high-value advisory work. Susskind’s prediction isn’t new and it appears he was…

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In many sectors of the global economy, big data is proving a useful tool for businesses to leverage data analytics in order to tailor their offerings to audiences and gain…

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Advances in automation are empowering lawyers to cut down on labour-intensive, repetitive tasks and instead focus their skills on higher-value work. Now, artificial intelligence (AI) is making this automation much…

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Virtual firms, legal outsourcing. It’s the future, and it’s coming to your firm now. Futurist and author Ross Dawson shares his thoughts on where the legal industry is heading.  …

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