Choosing the Right Document Automation Platform for Your Firm [Guide]

The legal profession – like many other industries today – is facing increasing pressure to deliver more for less, provide greater transparency and cultivate innovation, or risk losing out to more agile competitors.

Technology can help firms of all sizes deal with this pressure by reducing time spent on routine tasks, which then allows for more focus on value-adding work.

Imagine cutting down the time it takes to assemble a fully compliant contract by up to 82 per cent.¹ Automating your firm’s document management procedures is one – increasingly necessary – way to simplify processes and make cumbersome document creation a thing of the past.

It goes without saying that choosing the right platform can make all the difference when you’re transitioning to an automated process – an ill-fitting solution or lack of engagement with a new tool can mean missing out on the many benefits this change can bring.

In part one of this guide, we take you through the process of choosing the right software: first by examining how your firm can benefit from a document automation platform, then by familiarising you with the features commonly available in document automation platforms today.

Already chosen a suitable document automation platform for your legal team? Download part two to learn more about the implementation process, from how to prepare and train your staff through to what you’ll need for ongoing maintenance.

¹ 2017 Contract Express customer user survey, Thomson Reuters USA

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