Jackson McDonald is the largest independent law firm in Western Australia and Adam Versaci is one of the many solicitors it employs. In his role, Adam primarily deals with matters related to capital markets, requiring a thorough understanding of the interplay between the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules. This means he reads a lot of authoritative guidance published by the regulators.
Adam is an avid Practical Law user, having first heard about it from a colleague. “From the moment I accessed the trial I remember it giving me enormous ability for speed, and clarity. The platform’s intuitive navigation quickly identifies the knowledge resources I need to assist me,” he said.
Case Study Video: Jackson McDonald
For Adam, there have been times where certain rules, laws and published guidance haven’t adequately explained the practical application of key concepts. Due to this, he has found Practical Law to be a very efficient tool in bridging that gap.
“It’s a solid productive starting point in my work for general information and contextual knowledge of what I need to do. It will explain the context thoroughly, as well as tell you where to go to research that context further,” explained Adam.
Included in the case study you can download on the page, is how Adam draws on the legal guidance solution to further contextualise the law when needed, which ultimately benefits his clients.
“Our corporate clients expect excellence and efficiency so we see Practical Law as an essential resource that creates additional value for clients,” he added.
For an more detailed overview of the ways in which Adam from Jackson McDonald draws on Practical Law resources day-to-day, access your complimentary copy of this customer case study.