The Future of Law: Digital Law Firm Revolution [Whitepaper]

Technology in the legal industry has been an increasing topic of discussion on Legal Insight this year. While forcing dramatic change, the digital law firm revolution is enabling firms to manage ongoing industry disruption. There is a strong indication that early uptake of technology in law firms will be the key to small firms securing a competitive hold on the future.

So what will a digital law firm look like in 30 years – both from the outside, as players in a transformed market, and on the inside, as innovative work environments? Will small firms survive? And what can they do to prepare themselves for the future of law? Will we inevitably see lawyers recognise that it will be commonplace for the future consumer to use online tools to manage their general legal needs?

Table of contents:

  • Technology in the law
  • A consumer focused legal practice
  • Super-specialisation
  • The vanishing legal library
  • Legal work-life balance
  • The virtual law firm

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