Cybersecurity, Privacy & AI in 2024: What You Need to Know 

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and privacy present new challenges and opportunities. It is crucial for legal professionals to stay informed about related regulations and legislative developments in this fast-moving space. 

The Practical Law Commercial team is staying on top of all the key developments in this space. Catch up below with Senior Lawyer Writer, Louise Sinclair. 

Get up to speed with all things AI will Practical Law 

Practical Law’s new AI Toolkit pulls together Practical Law content on AI, its terminology, and its likely benefits and risks (both business and legal) which an organisation should review before and while using an AI system including:  

  • relevant legal issues around commissioning and using AI 
  • the Australian regulatory position including Commonwealth, state and territory regulatory developments and key Commonwealth government guidance on AI
  • key international regulatory developments with links to Practical Law’s global resources on AI in the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), European Union (EU), China, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 

Access your copy of the AI Toolkit via the form on this page. 

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