Cost of Compliance Report 2020: COVID-19 Update

By Susannah Hammond and Mike Cowan, Regulatory Intelligence, Thomson Reuters

In addition to this year’s 11th Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence Cost of Compliance Report, that closed before the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic had become apparent, we have undertaken a further survey and report, to understand how financial services firms are responding to COVID-19.

The results of this interim report, Cost of Compliance Report 2020: COVID-19 Update, are considered alongside those of the 11th Cost of Compliance report itself.

Together both reports provide a perspective on the following key topics:

  • Challenges in the coming year for boards and compliance functions 
  • Culture and conduct risk concerns 
  • Budgets 
  • Personal liability 
  • Technology and outsourcing
  • Concerns Arising as a Result of Covid-19

“2020 marks 25 years since the collapse of Barings Bank and it would seem that everything and nothing has changed in financial services.”

Fill in the form opposite to download the Cost of Compliance 2020: COVID-19 update

Additional resources:

Click here to download the Cost of Compliance 2020

Cost of Compliance 2020 Webinar >

Cost of Compliance 2020 Infographic >

This report was written by Susannah Hammond and Mike Cowan, members of the Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence team in London. With Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence, you can find and get clarity on regulatory developments. It is your first step in your regulatory compliance program, because it allows you to track, flag and share regulations.

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